Vision Statement
Chapel Street 10:00 am A traditional shape where creative worship is explored, in drama, music and congregational response, speaking to us in modern language. Traditional and contemporary music feature both in congregational singing and on occasion presented by a singing group. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month in the worship service. The service is usually has a special theme, sometimes includes the celebration of communion and often includes creative worship planned and led by a wider group of people. |
Music plays a significant part in the worship at Morialta. Traditional and contemporary music feature, both in congregational singing and on occasion presented by a singing group.
Keyboard music from the piano is provided by a group of rostered musicians, who are joined by other instrumental players.
Livestreamed services
Sunday morning worship services are livestreamed weekly via YouTube, and can be accessed ‘on demand’ via the ‘Worship’ image above
or at
You can also join our Video email list here and receive the video links as soon as they are published.
Morialta Uniting Church’s livestreaming emphasis is an expression of our openness to exploring connections and links with congregations in urban and rural areas, and to resourcing congregations, groups, chaplains, pastoral care, and individual and personal worship.
Out of that openness grew the project “Beyond our Walls”,
begun in October 2013 with monthly filming of Morialta’s normal worship service and production of a DVD for distribution to churches. See some history here
This experience enabled us to respond quickly to the restrictions that accompanied the COVID 19 pandemic, with live-streaming of services commencing in August 2021.
Morialta has resourced this outreach with appropriate equipment and trained operators to ensure presentation skills of a high order. Feedback and critical appraisal inform and guide the presenters, technicians and members of the congregation.
Podcasts are also available on a weekly basis here.
For further information, please contact the Church Office
Join our Video email list here and get the our video links as soon as they are published.
Photography and filming at Morialta Uniting Church – Privacy Notice
Pastoral Care for all ages
Pastoral care at Morialta Uniting Church is highly valued and draws on the compassion of the whole congregation. We have an amazing network of Caring Connections Contacts (CCCs). Each of these has a list of people with whom they intentionally connect on a regular basis.
Congregation members can choose how to participate in the Caring Connections program:
- to be matched with a CCC;
- to join a self-organising Caring Connections Gathering Group;
- to receive visits from a Designated Visitor, if in residential or aged care;
- or to opt out of any formal involvement.
More information is available in the Caring Connections Program Handbook, available on request from the office.
Our Pastoral Care Team meets monthly to help ensure that everybody is gathered up in the arms of care. Phone calls, personal visits, networking, and handmade cards (including birthday cards for our children and youth) supplement the general love and care that is expressed by all in the congregation.
For more information:
Morialta Uniting Church
26 Chapel St, Magill 5072
Church Office: 83319344
Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals
Baptism celebrates our identity as people loved by God, and makes us part of the community of those who follow Christ.
Baptisms are normally celebrated during the 10.00am service, where the congregation will welcome you into the community and promise to support you as you begin to live out your baptism or as you help your children to do so. If you would like to be baptised or to bring your children to be baptised please talk to our minister.
The Christian celebration of marriage is an act of worship in which we offer praise to God for the life and love God has given us.
You invite the people gathered to witness your declaration of love to each other and your promises to be faithful to one another, and we ask God’s blessing on your marriage.
You can make an initial inquiry through the church office. Your booking can be confirmed once you have paid a deposit and had your first meeting with our minister. Three or four meetings with the minister will allow you to complete the necessary legal paperwork, complete and discuss the PREPARE* resource, and plan your celebration.
A well-planned funeral or memorial service can help us honour and give thanks for the life of the person who has died as we affirm the Christian understanding that, even after we die, we continue in God’s love. If you are in the position of needing to organise a funeral or memorial service and would like it to be at Morialta, please contact our minister. Funerals can be livestreamed on request and catering can be arranged if desired.
Morialta Uniting Church is in the process of seeking a new minister.
Rev Dr Peter Trudinger is providing supply until the 13 October 2024.
Should matters requiring urgent attention occur, please use the following contact options.
During Church Office hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00am to 1:00 pm
Phone: 08 83314399
Outside office hours;
Contact Deputy Church Council Chair, Margaret Cargill
Phone 0439 954 814
Lay Leadership
The Church Council fulfils a central role at Morialta as members participate in exploring and building vision. The congregation seeks to identify those who can bring commitment, energy, skills and willingness to this role and who will work with faith, hope and grace to enable the life and mission of this worshiping community as members. Members of council elected by the congregation are Elders.
The Chairperson and Secretary of Church Council provide leadership and support to Council both during meetings and as members endeavour to carry out their roles. The day-to-day activities of the church are supported by a number of lay-led teams.
Social Justice
Beyond Morialta Mission Projects
We work in partnership with Uniting World who are committed to connecting church communities and people world wide to partner in Gods mission with International partner churches.
Everyone is welcome to come to our fundraising events and keep in mind the ways in which you can help us support our mission projects
- On Mission Sunday each year there is an additional offering which goes towards our mission projects.
- Come along on the Saturday before Mothers Day, and support our Netball Teams and while you’re there buy a cake and/or some flowers! The Netball Teams run the stall to raise funds for mission projects. You may like to bake a cake to donate.
We would like to thank you all for your support and generosity. Total funds raised in 2023 were $3000. These have been split evenly between Uniting World projects supporting eduaction and training of disabled children and adults in Sri Lanka, and Frontier Services.
A particular thank you to the Morialta Netball Club, for their contribution from their Mothers Day cake stall. We so much appreciate this wonderful service you offer to Mission Projects each year.
These are the projects we are supporting in 2024:
Uniting World
Projects for climate change support in the islands of the Pacific
Frontier Services
The patrol covers the largest area of South Australia and the Bush Chaplain works out of Quorn in the Flinders Ranges. The cost of keeping a Bush Chaplains on the road is $120,000 per year and with the current drought their task is even greater as they respond and care for those in disaster.
Faith Education
Gateways Group
Do you have any questions about faith?
Do you want to explore these issues with others?
Gateways is a group within Morialta Uniting Church which provides an opportunity to explore issues of faith in a safe and welcoming environment.
The group, which meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month offers friendship, acceptance and encouragement as, through books, DVDs and discussion we explore ideas and challenges of contemporary Christian scholars.
Come and see!
For further information please contact
Please contact the office or our minister if you are wanting to know more about any of these possibilities, or if you would like to talk about faith education in general.