Photography and filming at Morialta Uniting Church – Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is provided to explain what to expect when we collect and process your personal information in relation to photography of events and/ or filming and streaming of church services.

  1. Personal information is collected for purposes of:
  • Recording and uploading, or live-streaming services from our church, online, in order to reach out to those who are unable to attend in person, or who wish to participate in our services remotely.
  • Publishing still photographs on our website or in our monthly Vision magazine or weekly Newsletter, which are distributed to the congregation in printed form and uploaded to our website for download or viewing.


  1. The categories of personal data we collect are:
  • Image – We may capture your image whilst filming the church service, or when photographs are taken of events at the church.

We also process “special categories” of information that may include:

  • Archiving – certain services and photographs may be retained permanently for historic purposes.


  1. We collect and use personal data using consent.

By participating in the leading of the streamed service, by attending the streamed service, or by accepting the request of the website content editor or the Vision or newsletter editor/publisher for use of your photograph on the website or in publications, you are consenting to us using your data for the purposes set out above. 

You may withhold your consent for service livestreaming by sitting in a “film free area” of the church before filming or photography starts.  Such areas are clearly marked by notices in the church.  

In the filming areas, once live-streaming or filming has started, consent cannot be withdrawn because your data can’t be permanently removed from the internet, nor can a group video or photograph be edited to remove your image.

You may be asked to consent on behalf of children aged 16 years or under attending with you.  Please consider whether they would want their images to be uploaded to the internet.

  1. We will be sharing photographs and recorded or live-streamed services with the public, by uploading them to our website and other internet sites, such as YouTube and Facebook.


  1. This means your data may be stored outside Australia. Each platform has its own privacy policy which describes how your data is used and protected.


  1. If you have any complaints or queries regarding this processing activity, please contact the Chairperson of Church Council, via our office: