Click to access our “Worship Online” page


Morialta Uniting Church is  offering weekly worship resources including a service on YouTube.

The material will be uploaded each Saturday night so that it is available for use on Sunday morning.

The material will be published on this page available from the Morialta’s home page and distributed via an email list.

Click here to join the list

Worship for Sunday 9 August 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Click the link below printed order of service portrait
2020_08_09 print web portrait

Click the link below printed order of service landscape
2020_08_09 print web


Worship for Sunday 2 August 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Click the link below printed order of service
2020 Mission Service_Landscape1

Click below for printed sermon
Morialta UC_TLeondaris Address

Worship for Sunday 26 July 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Click the link below printed order of service

Click below for printed sermon
pencost.08.dominion.full (002)


Worship for Sunday 19 July 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.


Click the link below printed order f service
2020_07_19 print

Click below for printed sermon
wheat and weeds Matth 13 web

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_07_19 print portrait

Worship for Sunday 12 July 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Click the link below printed order f service
Morialta 12 July 2020 – Virtual 2 HC

Click below for printed sermon
Morialta 12 July 2020 – Sermon

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
Morialta 12 July 2020 – Virtual 2 – full

Worship for Sunday 5 July 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Click the link below printed order f service
2020_07-05 print

Click below for printed sermon
yoke web

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_07-05 final July 2nd

Worship for Sunday 28 June 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Click the link below printed order of service
2020_06_28 print

Click below for printed sermon
The number 40 printed

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_06_28 print portrait


Worship for Sunday 21 June 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.


Click the link below printed order of service
2020_06_21 Refugee printed

Click below for printed sermon
refugee sunday

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_06_21 Refugee printed portrait


Worship for Sunday 14 June 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

This service includes the celebration of Holy Communion and we invite you, if you wish, to participate by supplying your own bread and wine/juice/water.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.


Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Click the link below printed order of service

Click below for printed sermon
Call and response Matthew 9-10 web

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.


Worship for Sunday 7 June 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Click the link below printed order of service
2020_06_07 Trinity Sunday web landscape

Click below for printed sermon
We can talk today about the trinity 3

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_06_07 Trinity Sunday web portrait

Worship for Sunday 31 May 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Click the link below printed order of service
2020_05_31 Pentecost and Reconcilliation web landscape

Click below for printed sermon
Reconciliation and Pentecost print

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_05_31 Pentecost and Reconcilliation web Portrait


Worship for Sunday 24 May 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

You are invited to bring to your table or place of worship
Bread and Wine, Juice or Water
for sharing in Holy Communion

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Click the link below printed order of service
2020_05_24 print Web landscape

Click below for printed sermon
One in the Lord Jn 17 6-19

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_05_24 print Web poirtrat

Worship for Sunday 17 May 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

This week we invite you have a candle , a jug of water and bowl, and a bible with a bookmark in either Psalm 66 or John 14 

We thank Sam for the editing this week

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Click the link below printed order of service
2020_05_17 printed

Click below for printed sermon
the whispering Spirit print

Click below for screen reading version order of service and sermon.
2020_05_17 Screen with sermon


Worship for Sunday 10 May – Mothers’ Day

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Due to a technical problem the audio this week is not at the standard we would like – sorry.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Click the link below
Morialta UC 10 May 2020 Screen

Worship for Sunday 3 May 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Click below to access screen version
Morialta UC 4 May 2020 Screen

Click below to access print version
Print version service 3 may 2020
Print version Focus and Sermon 3 may 2020


Worship for Sunday 26 April 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.
This service includes the celebration of Holy Communion and we invite you, if you wish, to participate by supplying your own bread and wine/juice/water
Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.
Morialta U C 26th April 2020 print and screen

Worship for Sunday 19 April 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.
Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Sunday with a print form of service.

Morialta UC April 19 2020 Print and screen


Worship for Easter Sunday 12 April

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.
Some filming in this video pre-dated social distancing.

Alternatively, you may engage in worship this Easter with a print form of service.
To use print version click below
Easter Sunday printed
To use screen version click below
Easter Sunday – screen

About the flowers this week
from Jan Sillett
This year’s Easter celebrations will be different but as Christians we must remember that Easter brings with it much joyful celebration. This week’s flowers are a joyful celebration of Easter. I have included the colours which have been traditionally associated with Easter. Here is my Easter Rainbow pallet.
Red represents the blood of Jesus, shed for us.
Orange the colour of the rising sun as the women find the tomb empty.
Green represents rebirth and the promise of eternal life.
Yellow, glory and triumph, life over death.
Blue, the sadness of Good Friday.
Pink symbolizes new beginnings and joyful hope. It is reminiscent of the pink found in the sky at the dawn of a new day.
Violet/ Purple symbolises royalty, Jesus is the King of Kings
And finally
White, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the joyful culmination of the Easter season

Worship for Good Friday 10 April

This is the day to focus on Stages of the Cross. Click on the Video below.
We thank North Ryde Community Church for permission to use their material.


Alternatively, you may engage with the Reflecting on Easter Icons

To use print version click below
Reflecting on Easter icons -print

To use screen version click below
Reflection on Easter icons -screnn

Worship for Maundy Thursday 9 April 2020
A  a reflection and readings to engage with over the evening meal. Gather what is listed and share in your household or individually

To use print version click below
Maundy Thursday @ Home print

To use screen version click below
Maundy Thursday @ Home screen

Worship for 5 April 2020

A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.
The congregation singing in this service was recorded in our Beyond our Walls series 2013 to February 2020.

Printed order of service for you to follow at your own pace.
2020_04_05 Palm Sunday EMAIL

East Gippsland Easter Reflections 2020 – A Carpet of Green
Refection and photos by Ian Ferguson – click to view

About the flowers this week
from Jan Sillett

What a joy to design and create the flowers for Palm Sunday.
(Matthew 21:1–9)  The large palm behind the flowers commemorates the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem, the small palm branches, the branches that were placed in his path, the red flowers, the cloaks that were also laid down on the path before him and the white flowers, Jesus as he moves toward the last week before his crucifixion


Worship for 29 March 2020

Two ways of worshiping with us this week.

  1.   A Service on YouTube – click on image below – to view in full screen click the symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

2. Printed order of service to follow at you own pace.
Printed service for 29 March 2020

Worship 22 March 2020

Three way to worship this week

    1.  Printed order of service with links to clips to follow at you own pace. –
      Worship for 22 March

    2. A Youtube service that has been put together for this Sunday from our collection of Beyond our Walls Services

3.   The Centre for Music Liturgy and the Arts provided this to help people at this time: