Special events

Our Regular Events


  • 10.00am Family Worship Service
    11.00am Morning tea in the hall


  • 10.00am Japanese Playgroup
  • 1.30pm Tai Chi Style Exercise Group



  • 1.30 – 3.00pm Community Shed


  • 10:00am Friendship Group (3rd week of month)


  • 9.30am Art and Craft Circle
    (Bring your own paints, crayons, drawing materials, etc.)
  • 9.30am Coffee and Chat
  • 4:00pm Gateways (2nd & 4th weeks of month) Exploring Faith Questions


  •  Netball
  • Social Tennis

Our minister is available if you need pastoral care or are interested in exploring any issues with them.

Please contact us on 8331 9344 for further information or to ask about these or any other groups that may be meeting.

For videos of past events and funeral please go to our Videos from Morialta page.
Please Click Here

Past Events

Adelaide Male Voice Choir, 15 October 2023

Dawoodi Bohras –Morialta Uniting Church
Lunch – 23rd April 2023